Monday, July 12, 2010

The San Juan Islands

July 9

We decided to cruise around the San Juans for the weekend and head for Victoria, BC on Monday, July 12.  We have been having really warm, wonderful weather and calm waters.  Here is a shot from our mooring spot last evenIMG_1895ing.  Mmmmm, peaceful!  We have been sleeping so well on the boat – the gentle rocking seems to be just the ticket!

Friday Harbor was so crowded yesterday that we fueled the boat and got the heck outta there!!  I was going to get groceries, but there was not room on any of the docks to tie up!  We went to Fisherman’s Bay instead and it was a long, hot walk to a very nice grocery.  

Today we cruised up the east sound of Orcas Island past the Moran Mansion  at Rosario Resort and Spa.  A float plane took off right in front of us, but I didn’t have the camera handy (grrrr).  I did get a couple of photos of the mansion:IMG_1899 IMG_1896 Then, we decided to see if there were any spots available for moorage at Jones Island – HAH!!  The little cove on the north side was stuffed with boats!!  So it was on to Reid Harbor at Stuart Island State Marine Park.  Lots of boats there, too, but we found an available mooring buoy.   The captain (Bill, of course) maneuvered the Bonaroo so that the deck monkey (yours truly) could grab the mooring buoy and get us tied up securely. 

By then it was time for happy hour and for admiring all of the other boats here in the harbor.  Bill “dinghied the dog” while I cooked dinner.  Ahhh!  We have decided that we could get used to this life!  We’ll see how we feel when we run into rough seas and/or nasty weather.

July 11

We spent two nights at Reid Harbor enjoying the weather, walking around on the Stuart Island, schmoozing with a few Canadians.  Lots of other boats in the harbor and lots of other folks doing the “dinghy the dog” duty! 

Today, we went to Roche Harbor at the NW end of San Juan Island.  We fueled up and picked up a few groceries.  I have never seen so many yachts in my life!  One was at least 100’ and was from Park City, UT – or at least the owner was.  Obviously, not everyone is feeling the economic pinch!!IMG_1905 The Dulcinea, Park City, UT !?!?

We continue to enjoy sunny days, but the wind has come up, so we will likely not make the Haro Straight crossing tomorrow.  They are predicting 25-39 mph winds.  Better stay here in Garrison Bay for an extra day, snug at anchor.

Will post this when we have better internet service…

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