Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cowichan Bay Through Dodd Narrows to Nanaimo

July 19

We left Butchart Cove on the 17th and cruised up the west side of Saltspring Island.  We pulled into Cowichan Bay where I bought a fishing license and some crab bait, along with cheap red wine and groceries.  We then anchored in Burgoyne Bay and I caught 4 red rock crabs for dinner – Yummm!  We had to re-set our anchor a few times to get it set well, but it held overnight.  Here’s an interesting RV in Burgoyne Bay:IMG_1952

On Sunday, we motored through Dodd Narrows - ~150 yards wide and the current was really flowing!IMG_1954 

After that thrill ride, we pulled into the bay across from Nanaimo – Newcastle Island Marine Park.  Lovely spot and very busy, especially on weekends.  Pogo and I took a short walk on the island after Bill got us there in the trusty dinghy.

Today we took the passenger ferry from Newcastle to Nanaimo.  The waterfront walkway and parks are lovely and we had access to free wifi at the library.  IMG_1958

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