Thursday, July 08, 2010

Heading North

July 7, 2010

Yesterday, we left Port Orchard in the afternoon and cruised to Appletree Cove where we anchored out for the first time.  We awoke to find ourselves in shallow water full of eel grass, so up came the anchor!  We moved out into deeper water where we finally had our morning coffee.  Bill bought be a great camp-style French press for this trip and it has been great!!  I have never made coffee in a French press before – very full-flavored coffee.

Life on the boat has been a fairly easy adjustment for us.  No doubt our experience as RVers has helped immensely.  We are used to close quarters and to behaving civilly with one another.  The galley and head are even smaller than our travel trailer, but the Taurus seats at the dinette are more comfortable than the seating in the Nash.

My biggest worry has been Pogo’s potty ritual.  We bought a Potty Patch for use on the boat and he has shown absolutely no inclination to use it.  Therefore, Bill has had to “dinghy the dog” to shore a couple of times.  IMG_1887

And here they are now…







Today we put in 69 miles – from Appletree Cove, across Puget Sound, up the east side of Whidbey Island, through Deception Pass and into the San Juan Islands.  This evening we are tied to a mooring buoy in a cove at James Island State Park.  What a glorious day and evening!

IMG_1891 Here is a photo of the Bonaroo in front of Mt. Baker.  She looks good, doesn’t she?

We are getting better and better at our GPS skills and have been plotting our waypoints correctly. 

Hope you are all having a wonderful week – we’ll be in touch!

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