Monday, July 19, 2010

Butchart Gardens

July 17

We couldn’t leaved the Victoria area without a visit to the famous Butchart Gardens, so we left the beautiful Inner Harbor and headed for the Sydney Spit Marine Park.  We anchored out off of the sand spit and enjoyed a quiet evening and no problems the next morning when we pulled the anchor – we’re getting this system down!

We pulled in to Van Isle Marina for fuel and a pumpout.  The crew there was extremely efficient, helpful, and friendly.  We cruised through Satellite Channel to Butchart Cove and anchored in the quiet cove.  We had some lunch and dinghied to the Butchart Gardens dock.  After paying our $31/head, we took out time strolling through the gardens, which were as impressive as expected.  Liz Burke would have been in heaven!! 

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