Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Leaving Nanaimo

July 28
Sorry, those last two posts were published out of order.

We finally made it into the water with all systems go at 7pm last evening – hooray!!  We had a setback yesterday afternoon and spent $272 for a reverse lockout kit – we only needed one spring out of the kit, but that’s how Volvo/Penta makes $$.  Anywho, we spent last night back at Newcastle Marine Park and crossed the Strait of Georgia today.  No problems and we are currently anchored at Pender Harbor on the Sechelt Peninsula.  Tomorrow, we will get an early start to make it to Princess Louisa Inlet Park.  This is supposed to be the “Holy Grail” for NW cruising with a place called Chatterbox Falls at the head of the inlet.  Will post photos.

Cowichan Bay Through Dodd Narrows to Nanaimo

July 19

We left Butchart Cove on the 17th and cruised up the west side of Saltspring Island.  We pulled into Cowichan Bay where I bought a fishing license and some crab bait, along with cheap red wine and groceries.  We then anchored in Burgoyne Bay and I caught 4 red rock crabs for dinner – Yummm!  We had to re-set our anchor a few times to get it set well, but it held overnight.  Here’s an interesting RV in Burgoyne Bay:IMG_1952

On Sunday, we motored through Dodd Narrows - ~150 yards wide and the current was really flowing!IMG_1954 

After that thrill ride, we pulled into the bay across from Nanaimo – Newcastle Island Marine Park.  Lovely spot and very busy, especially on weekends.  Pogo and I took a short walk on the island after Bill got us there in the trusty dinghy.

Today we took the passenger ferry from Newcastle to Nanaimo.  The waterfront walkway and parks are lovely and we had access to free wifi at the library.  IMG_1958

Trouble in the Harbour City

July 24

Welllll, we were cruising through Newcastle Passage last Tuesday on our way north from Nanaimo and trying to avoid the seaplane landing and taxiing zone, when “CLUNK” we hit the only big rock around.  Disabled the prop, so Bill had to fire up the outboard while I looked up a marine repair yard.   As luck would have it, we were only ~500 yards from Stones Boatyard and Marina.  Called them and they said they could help.  We called to some nice boaters standing on the dock to help us, as the wind and current were not helping us with our docking attempts.  We all managed to tie the Bonaroo to the dock without harming it or hitting any other boats – whew! 

To make a long story short, we have been sitting up on blocks in the boatyard almost ever since.  The folks here had the prop fixed, put a new pin in the lower unit and put us back in the water Thursday evening.  No go!  Still had no forward or reverse.  Lifted us out of the water on Friday morning, called a Volvo/Penta specialist who thought he had the problem spotted.  Unfortunately, it was worse than he thought – the shaft on the lower unit was broken.  The lower unit is now in Campbell River being repaired.  It is supposed to be here on Monday.  $1000 and counting…IMG_1959

On the bright side, we got a great deal on a rental car, so on Friday we drove north to Qualicum Beach (warmest seawater north of Mexico) and had a seafood lunch.  A Canadian fulltime RVer who spends his winters at “The Slabs” told us about a couple of natural sights to see.  We went to the Little Qualicum River falls and Cathedral Grove – the last remaining stand of old growth forest on Vancouver Island.  Impressive Douglas firs and cedars – over 800 years old.  Then we drove on to Port Alberni, which connects to the west coast of Vancouver Island via a VERY long inlet.  It was a fun day and great to get away from the boatyard. 

Today, they held the 44th annual World Championship Bathtub Races in Nanaimo, so we walked to town to watch the start.  To call these things bathtubs is stretching it quite a ways!  They have three divisions:  modified, super-modified, and stock.  They look like a small fiberglass bathtub on top of a fast sled!  Here is a photo of one of the boats stuck on the beach and other photos of the start:IMG_1961 IMG_1966 IMG_1963 They used to race these things to Vancouver!  But now, they go out of Nanaimo Harbour, up around the Winchelsea Islands, and back into Departure Bay.  A total of 56 km!!  Takes the winner about an hour.

Oh, and I did put my kayak together yesterday and took it out for a couple of hours:IMG_1960

Needless to say, Bill has been beating himself up pretty heartily for hitting the rock, but the important thing is that we are OK and the boat is fixable.  Guess I’ll have to sell lots more of my beaded trinkets to pay for this unexpected expense!!!

Hope you all are having a great summer and have wonderful stories to tell!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Butchart Gardens

July 17

We couldn’t leaved the Victoria area without a visit to the famous Butchart Gardens, so we left the beautiful Inner Harbor and headed for the Sydney Spit Marine Park.  We anchored out off of the sand spit and enjoyed a quiet evening and no problems the next morning when we pulled the anchor – we’re getting this system down!

We pulled in to Van Isle Marina for fuel and a pumpout.  The crew there was extremely efficient, helpful, and friendly.  We cruised through Satellite Channel to Butchart Cove and anchored in the quiet cove.  We had some lunch and dinghied to the Butchart Gardens dock.  After paying our $31/head, we took out time strolling through the gardens, which were as impressive as expected.  Liz Burke would have been in heaven!! 

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Victoria, BC

July 14

We made it!!  Nice, smooth crossing of Haro Strait yesterday and no problem with customs.  We are docked right in front of he Empress Hotel on the promenade.  Beautiful buildings and floral gardens everywhere!IMG_1926

As you can see, the Bonaroo is dwarfed by some of our neighbors, but we’re having as much fun as they are. 

On our way into Victoria Harbor, we passed this picturesque lighthouse:

   IMG_1918 We walked around downtown and did a little shopping yesterday.  We enjoyed some of the street entertainers on the promenade and Bill found a great hot dog and ice cream float shop.  More walking and people-watching last evening and then enjoyed seeing the parliament buildings after dark:IMG_1930

July 15

Bill went to the Royal BC Museum yesterday while I dog-sat.  He enjoyed the exhibits very much, especially those dealing with the native cultures.  Earlier in the day, I went to Miniature World – very well done – went to a high-end grocery (Yikes!  how do people afford to live here?!?), and found a bead shop!  I was looking for unique beads but found none.  I did, however,IMG_1920find some beads that I need to complete a project – score!

It is just wonderful being in the heart of downtown Victoria!  Such a metropolitan city; full of tourists, to be sure, and many friendly boaters.  We plan to head to Sidney Spit Marine Park at around noon – going with the tide.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Things Get Exciting!!!

July 12

Well, here I was thinking that I had nothing new to post on the blog – as my friend Liz would say, be careful what you wish for!!  We anchored out in Garrison Harbor yesterday afternoon after leaving Roche Harbor.  After listening to the weather forecast, we had already decided against going to Victoria today.  We were sitting in the boat reading our latest Reacher novels, when Bill happened to look out the back door – just in time to watch the dinghy roped snaking over the rail!!  We pulled anchor – not a quick task - and took off after it.  As luck would have it, a guy on another boat saw the dinghy blowing by, got in his dinghy, and caught ours.  Whew!!!  We re-anchored and boy, was it windy!  The boat was swinging around all night.  This morning, we pulled the anchor and got the anchor rode wound up in the prop – no steering and no power!!!  We were headed for a couple of other boats that were rafted together.  The wind blew us to one side of them, they had great family crews, pulled us alongside them and tied us off.  I got on the swim platform and was able to unwind the rode and free our boat with no harm to the outdrive or the engine.  What a great bunch of folks!  One guy was even going to get in a “shorty” wetsuit with goggles, go in the water, and work on the rope.  Thank goodness he did not have to. 

We headed back to Roche Harbor and decided to moor for the afternoon and night.  Both of us were feeling a bit stressed.  I got the laundry done and we will take showers later.  Then, weather permitting, we will head for Victoria tomorrow.  Here’s a photo Bill took of the floating pumpout boat at Roche Harbor:IMG_1904

The San Juan Islands

July 9

We decided to cruise around the San Juans for the weekend and head for Victoria, BC on Monday, July 12.  We have been having really warm, wonderful weather and calm waters.  Here is a shot from our mooring spot last evenIMG_1895ing.  Mmmmm, peaceful!  We have been sleeping so well on the boat – the gentle rocking seems to be just the ticket!

Friday Harbor was so crowded yesterday that we fueled the boat and got the heck outta there!!  I was going to get groceries, but there was not room on any of the docks to tie up!  We went to Fisherman’s Bay instead and it was a long, hot walk to a very nice grocery.  

Today we cruised up the east sound of Orcas Island past the Moran Mansion  at Rosario Resort and Spa.  A float plane took off right in front of us, but I didn’t have the camera handy (grrrr).  I did get a couple of photos of the mansion:IMG_1899 IMG_1896 Then, we decided to see if there were any spots available for moorage at Jones Island – HAH!!  The little cove on the north side was stuffed with boats!!  So it was on to Reid Harbor at Stuart Island State Marine Park.  Lots of boats there, too, but we found an available mooring buoy.   The captain (Bill, of course) maneuvered the Bonaroo so that the deck monkey (yours truly) could grab the mooring buoy and get us tied up securely. 

By then it was time for happy hour and for admiring all of the other boats here in the harbor.  Bill “dinghied the dog” while I cooked dinner.  Ahhh!  We have decided that we could get used to this life!  We’ll see how we feel when we run into rough seas and/or nasty weather.

July 11

We spent two nights at Reid Harbor enjoying the weather, walking around on the Stuart Island, schmoozing with a few Canadians.  Lots of other boats in the harbor and lots of other folks doing the “dinghy the dog” duty! 

Today, we went to Roche Harbor at the NW end of San Juan Island.  We fueled up and picked up a few groceries.  I have never seen so many yachts in my life!  One was at least 100’ and was from Park City, UT – or at least the owner was.  Obviously, not everyone is feeling the economic pinch!!IMG_1905 The Dulcinea, Park City, UT !?!?

We continue to enjoy sunny days, but the wind has come up, so we will likely not make the Haro Straight crossing tomorrow.  They are predicting 25-39 mph winds.  Better stay here in Garrison Bay for an extra day, snug at anchor.

Will post this when we have better internet service…

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Heading North

July 7, 2010

Yesterday, we left Port Orchard in the afternoon and cruised to Appletree Cove where we anchored out for the first time.  We awoke to find ourselves in shallow water full of eel grass, so up came the anchor!  We moved out into deeper water where we finally had our morning coffee.  Bill bought be a great camp-style French press for this trip and it has been great!!  I have never made coffee in a French press before – very full-flavored coffee.

Life on the boat has been a fairly easy adjustment for us.  No doubt our experience as RVers has helped immensely.  We are used to close quarters and to behaving civilly with one another.  The galley and head are even smaller than our travel trailer, but the Taurus seats at the dinette are more comfortable than the seating in the Nash.

My biggest worry has been Pogo’s potty ritual.  We bought a Potty Patch for use on the boat and he has shown absolutely no inclination to use it.  Therefore, Bill has had to “dinghy the dog” to shore a couple of times.  IMG_1887

And here they are now…







Today we put in 69 miles – from Appletree Cove, across Puget Sound, up the east side of Whidbey Island, through Deception Pass and into the San Juan Islands.  This evening we are tied to a mooring buoy in a cove at James Island State Park.  What a glorious day and evening!

IMG_1891 Here is a photo of the Bonaroo in front of Mt. Baker.  She looks good, doesn’t she?

We are getting better and better at our GPS skills and have been plotting our waypoints correctly. 

Hope you are all having a wonderful week – we’ll be in touch!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

July 4, 2010 Happy Independence Day!!!

With a great deal of help from our friend Chuck Palumbo, we launched the Bonaroo at Port Townsend. Shortly thereafter, we realized that the fuel tank had a locking cap and we had no key! Bill and Chuck started drilling out the fuel cap while I went to West Marine for a replacement. The replacement was the wrong size – back to West Marine for another cap that was not a good fit, but Bill made work. After taking the boat out in the bay for a trial spin, Chuck tinkered with the carburetor for better idling. We took Chuck back to the dock, spent more than $300 for gas (gasp!), and were on our way.

We had an uneventful, smooth trip to Illahee State Park where we tied up for the night. We disrupted the crabbers and squid snaggers who were using the dock, and Bill did a professional job of docking the boat.

Pogo keeping an eye on the cook!

4th of July in Port Orchard – took my sister and her husband for a cruise around Blake Island and into Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island. Scads of boats out on a holiday in Puget Sound.

Beautiful homes on Bainbridge Island

Sailboats, cruise ships, Seattle in the background.

July 5, 2010

“The cop climbed out of his car exactly four minutes before he got shot.” This is the opening line from a Lee Child book starring Jack Reacher – I wish that my blog entries were as riveting!! I’m just not much of a humorous or exciting writer. Oh well, if you get too bored, I guess you will just stop reading!

Stayed in Pt. Orchard for an extra day to do some more work on the boat. Turned out to be a beautiful afternoon after an overcast and cool morning. We think that we will be ready to head north tomorrow. Sure was quiet here on the dock after all of the 4th of July festivities! Met some nice people on a boat (big boat!) named the Big Sky. The boat is from Seattle, so I just had to ask if they were at least FROM Montana. The woman said that her husband was born and raised there and that, since when boating we are always under the big sky, they chose that name for their beloved boat.

Take care, everyone, and have a great summer!