Friday, August 20, 2010

We Made it to Blackfish Sound

August 20

We left Lagoon Cove on Saturday, the 14th.  Here’s my crabbing catch:IMG_2014

We didn’t go far – we tried a crabbing spot that was recommended – no luck.  We didn’t like the sound of the winds predicted in Johnstone Strait, so we stayed in a small cove in Baronet Channel.  We referred to it as Horsefly Haven!  Yikes!

The next day we were listening to the whale-watching boats on the VHF.  They were talking about humpback whales in Blackfish Sound, so we cruised on up there and got to watch three of them, blowing and diving.  The photos are not very good – digital cameras are too darned slow – but here are a few:IMG_2020 IMG_2038

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It is certainly difficult to show just how huge these animals are!

Then we heard that the Orcas were down near Port Neville, and we were ready to begin heading south, so we decided to see if we could find them.  Johnstone Strait was remarkable calm, so we put in a long day, but no Orcas.  We anchored at Charles Bay after seeing lots of big boats like these:IMG_2048


We have visited Octopus Islands Marine Park – very popular and looks like a great place to kayak – and Rebecca Spit Marine Park, where Pogo and I went to the beach.  I has a swim and he got to chase squirrels!  IMG_2056

On Wednesday, we left Rebecca Spit and visited Gorge Harbor – beautiful spot and I told Bill that if we do this again next year, I want to splurge and stay at the marina/resort there.  Maybe for our 10th anniversary?

We continued south and Bill asked if I wanted to visit Mitlenatch Island.  It is a seabird refuge and I figured I would see a great variety of birds, so I said, “yes!”  It is also in the middle of the Strait of Georgia.  As we were heading there, the wind came up and we pulled into the small cove on the eastern side of the island.  The waves were rockin’ and rollin’, but that didn’t bother the couple who were already anchored there:IMG_2065


They were snoozing in the back of the boat – didn’t even hear us come in – until we stared putting the anchor chain out!  Those were a “salty” pair!!  We spent a bumpy night and didn’t sleep well at all!

We were outta there early the next morning and fought rough seas all the way to Hardy Island Marine Park, where we spent a nice, quiet night.

For all of our friends who love to volunteer at parks and refuges, have we got a deal for you!  These are the volunteer quarters at Mitlenatch Island Refuge:IMG_2061 

A shack on the rocks, how about it?  Any volunteers???

We are headed home (sigh) and should be at Port Townsend on Wednesday or Thursday.  What a great trip it has been so far!!

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