Friday, August 06, 2010

Desolation Sound

August 6

We cruised around Sarah Point and into Desolation Sound on the evening of the 4th – woo, hoo!!  We anchored in a tiny little cove – we had it all to ourselves, so it was nice and quiet.  The next morning, we poked around in Tovara Inlet and I caught a couple of rockfish.  Then we went to Pendrell Sound and, because the wind was nonexistent, we were able to anchor along the shore of the Sound.  The water was warm and clear, so we had a great time swimming.


Unfortunately, we were not able to take any photos, nor were we able to see the mountains, because of the thick smoke from forest fires in BC.  Bummer!!!

Yesterday, we put in a long day.  We left Pendrell Sound and started up Toba Inlet.  The smoke was so thick that it was almost as bad as a fogbank, so we turned northwest to try and get out of the smoke.  We followed a bigger boat through a couple of rapids, but then he didn’t go toward the third set of rapids.  We were the only boat headed that way, but the tide and current tables said that it should be OK.  On we went and Bill did a good job of avoiding almost all of the whirlpools.  One kind of tossed the boat a bit, but was OK.  There were several porpoises playing in the rapids, so that was fun to see.

We spent last night at Shoal Bay, which is not unlike Polebridge, MT – for those of you who have been there.  Public docks and a pub and lots of friendly folks.  And no smoke in the air this morning after some strong breezes last night!  We are staying for another night and then we are going in search of Orcas.  Stay tuned!

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