Friday, August 06, 2010

Jervis Inlet

August 2

Here are a couple of photos of the Bonaroo being lifted out of the water for repairs:IMG_1968

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But enough of that.

We stopped for fuel at a marina in Egmont, BC and saw this great steel-hulled boat, named Teddi Bear, moored at the dock:IMG_1974

Notice the helicopter on the back deck!  We talked to the owner and he told us that he had the boat built in New Zealand – took 3 years and he had to buy the company when it went broke in the process of building his boat.  Who has that kind of money!?!?

We cruised up Jervis inlet, 30+ miles of steep-sided fjord.  It was just beautiful!!  Waterfalls along the way and views of snow-capped mountains around every bend.  IMG_1980

Then we came to Malibu Rapids – a very narrow channel that you need to traverse at slack tide.  A Christian youth camp sits on the bank of the channel and is very nice!  IMG_1982

Once through the rapids, we were in Princess Louisa Inlet and, man, was it worth the trip!IMG_1987

IMG_1989 Water so warm, it was swimmable!  Although the water from Chatterbox Falls was VERY cold, it mixed with the warmer water in the bay, making for great swimming.  And  what a bathing beauty!

Here’s our little boat anchored next to Chatterbox Falls:IMG_1996

It is difficult to describe the beauty of Princess Louisa Inlet – some have described it as entering a cathedral.  I don’t know about that, but with at least 20 waterfalls falling from the surrounding mountains  and the crystal clear water, it is truly a destination spot!!

We left Princess Louisa Inlet on Saturday, July 31st and cruised out of Jervis Inlet.  We spent that night at Harmony Islands Marine Park in Hotham Sound.  That evening, we had our first rainfall of the trip – about 20 drops.  The next morning was overcast, which added a dramatic look to the mountains and waterfalls around us.

Yesterday, we anchored in a small cove at the mouth of Jervis Inlet and Pogo and I took a short hike around the island.  Bill shot a couple of photos of the Bonaroo in this nice tranquil cove:IMG_2000 Just dangling my feet – not warm enough to swim.  IMG_1999

We will stay here another night, stop for provisions in Lund, and head into Desolation Sound tomorrow, weather permitting!!

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