Monday, June 21, 2010

Countdown to Launch

Hi, all!  It has been 3.5 years since I posted to this blog, so bear with me!  We are finished working on the cabin for the summer - whew!  Bill and I accomplished most of what we wanted to complete - new front door with knob and lock, painting and covering plywood gaps in the ceiling, installing flooring, installing wiring in bathroom, more work on plumbing, insulating the walls in bathroom, putting up sheetrock, taping sheetrock, new doors in bathroom, new wiring and lighting in main cabin,  installing wood/gas stove, new propane tank and propane lines into cabin.  I think that's about it.  Next step is to texture and paint bathroom walls, insulate ceiling in bathroom, finish ceiling and put in flooring.  We may not get to that until next year.  Then we can finally place the bathroom fixtures - woo, hoo!!

Now, we are loading the truck and travel trailer with gear for the Bonaroo (our new - to us - 28' Bayliner Victoria cabin cruiser).  Our expected launch date is July 1 at Port Townsend.  Our friends Chuck and Peggy Palumbo have agreed to let us store our truck and boat trailer on their lot while we are cruising, saving us big bucks.    

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